What Rania Offer

    I'm Master Rania alhajbi Have Experience In Sport & Health Fields , And you can gain From My Owm Experience by taking :

  1. Courses
  2. Deplomas
  3. Work Shops
  4. Online Trainig
  5. Offline Trainig

Our Services

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You can improve your career with (PT diploma / corrective excersise / injuries specialist / sport nutrition ...etc) the diploma can be (150 hours) or (300 hours) both are accredited world wide , start your journey now .

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When you decied to take courses with me to get updated and take your carrer bath to a new level you have new choices (PT , Injuries Specialist , Cupping , Fitness Instractor , Sport nutrition ...etc) Start Your journey Now.

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You can take any Workshop Online and Offline in any major related to excersises science (practical and theoritical) . workshops will improve you in any related field you are intrested in and make (Sport Injuries , Corrective excersise , assessments , Diet Plans , weight training...etc)

you updated to the last versions of fitness industry.
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Online PT Courses

If you are out of Jordan, you can attened my courses and diplomas Online to get certtified as PT advanced Instructor.
I'm Master Of Masters and I give Courses (Personal trainer ,sports injuries specialist and TOT).
You Can book your courses , diplomas ,Workshops or to be My Trainee to help you in your journey and build your visions.

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Offline PT Courses

Those courses prepare you to be a professional Personal trainer and certtified world wide by IBSHD. In the courses,
macro and micro headlines , will be scintific practical and theoritical updates to finish it with written and practical examenation .
courses (PT L1 & L2 , advanced PT , weight lifting , KickBoxing ,core specialist, ...etc )

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Diet Plans

I can be your coach , you can book your PT session online or offline with me to have your target (weight loss , mucscle gaining , diet plans , injuries assiment "knee pain , Back pain , shoulders pain ... etc" ). Then i'll train you , manage your diet , assess you.
For people in Jordan and around I'm sport injuries , Cupping , Therapatic massage specialist , assessor and consultant. I can help you if you have any injury to improve your health and gain your target.
(للموجودين في الاردن و حولها ،يمكنكم اخذ موعد تدريب شخصي ، تقييم اصابات و علاجها ، حجامة جافة و رطبة للرياضيين و غير الرياضيين ، وضع برنامج تدريبي و برنامج تغذية ، تقييم جسمك و طبيعته و وضع الحلول للوصول للهدف مهما كان ...الخ)

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